Category A: Descriptions of manufacturing pre 1914

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.7The world’s pins and needle - Cassel’s Family Magazine -- 1p19th c
1.8 Needlemaking Ree’s Cyclopedia—4pp - inc illus --18101810
1.10Pantalogia: A New Cyclopedia -- 3pp article on needlemaking plus illus -- 18131813
1.13 missingEncy Londinensis -- Description of 3 pointing machines – also – article on pointer’s rot1818
1.14Book of English Trades – Lib of Useful Knowledge -- 2pp – article on needlemaking --18251825
1.19Penny Magazine – A Day at the British Needle Mills – 8pp art with illus -- 18431843
1.23Article on needlemaking - 1p -- Illustrated London News 18511851
1.28Charles Dickens -- Household Words – an Account of needlemaking and conditions in Redditch -- 8pp --18521852
1.29MT Morrall - History and Description of Needlemaking -- 22pp – photocopy 18541854
1.30Chambers Journal -- Needles - History and description of the process of manufacture 18561856
1.32Int Nat Exhib – The process of manufacture at the British Needle Mills , improved spring steel needles and fish hooks 6pp 18621862
1.33MT Morrall - History and Description of Needlemaking -- 5th edition -- 18651865
1.34Extracts from MT Morrall - History and Description of Needlemaking 18661866
1.35The Working Man – A weekly record of social and industrial progress March 1866 – Redditch, the metropolis of needlemaking1866
1.36The manufacture of needles 19pp1868
1.37Messrs Townsends’ needle factory – Hunt End -- Description of the manufacturing process -- Illustrated Midland News 18691869
1.40Messrs Perkins and Sons needle factory at Astwood Bank -- Illustrated Midland News 18701870
1.45Milwards -- Needle and fish hook making -- 19001900
1.49A Guide through Washford Mills - 27pp photocopy -- 18981898
1.50A Short History of Needle Making -- AE Morrall --18861886
1b.7British Works and Industries -- Needle making Work 29 Oct 18921892
1b.14The History of the Needle -- Edgar RS Bartleet
1b.16The Needle Maker – The Big book of Trades - Geo Routledge -- 18881888
1b.21Needle and Pins – Journal of the Society of Arts --18711871
2.3Extract from Household Words -- Charles Dickens -- Duplicate of 1.281852
2.9Needlemaking description - undated
2.12Regulation of Manufacture -- ex handwritten note -- 18511851
2.41The Making of the Humble Needle -- Clive Works (also pins)
2.45Some notes on needlemaking -- anon
3.46The Needle Makers (copy)Undated
4.5In Needle Town -- Description of manufacturing -- 19071907
5.45Notes on a decayed needleland with a note on the history of the needle -- Wm Shrimpton -- Redditch Indicator -- 18971897
M2The Needle Region and its Resources -- WT Hemming
M3A Short Description of Needle Making -- AE Morrall -- 18861886
M8The Redditch Needle District -- Wm Hall and Co -- c19001900
M10History and description of Needle Making -- Michael T Morrall -- 18661866
M21British Industries – HM and Sons -- Needle and Fish-hook Manufacturing – The British Trades Journal -- 18801880
M23Description of Needle Making (HM and Sons) -- Work No 190 -- 18921892
M26Needles -- Illustrated London News -- 18511851
M26/aThe Art of Needle Making -- Universal Magazine -- 17641764
M34Process for making fish-hooks -- very detailed with pages from notebook -- 18561856
M110The Manufacture of Needles -- The Engineer 1/4/18981898
M121Ex encylopedia?
M176Representative British Industries -- Henry Milward and Sons 1880s?1880
M187‘Points about needles’ -- Answers 27/2/19151915
M197Illustr of hand needle making c 18111811
M244Offprints from British Trade Journal etc 1880s -- mainly re HM and Sons1880

Category B: Descriptions of manufacturing post 1914

RefItem DescriptionDate
2.2Copy of notes on needle making -- CF Milward -- 19581958
2.4Development of needlemaking in West Midlands before 1750 - SRH Jones 2 copies
2.5Copy of notes on needle making -- CF Milward - Duplicate of 2.2
2.8Needlemaking 250 years ago
2.11History of Needlemaking -- resume of paper by BT Lee
2.14The History of the Needle -- BT Lee
2.19The Changing Regional Pattern during the 18C -- MJ Wise – Birmingham University 19501950
2.271500 million needles -- Needle Industries Ltd -- Machinery Nov 14, 21, 28, 1946 and Gramophone needles Dec 12, 1946 1946
2.30History of Needlemaking -- On the road -- CF Milward
2.31A History of Needle making -- Geo White MIMechE -- Newcomen Society, 15 Jan 19411941
2.32The Manufacture of Needles and Description of Machinery -- Practical Engineering 14 June 19411941
2.33An enquiry into the origin of Needlemaking -- Guise, 19331933
3.6The Seven Ages of the Development of the Needle - draft BT Lee 7 ppUndated
3.7History of needle punching & current state of the industry -- 19881988
3.22Communications and transport -- BT Lee 19851985
3.23A short history of the fishhook trade -- BT Lee --19851985
3.25Needle ranges and descriptions -- BT Lee -- 19841984
3.26Needles – their history and romance -- BT Lee -- 19841984
3.27Sewing Needles - their history and romance - version 2 19881988
3.32Letter re draft of History of sewing needles -- 19811981
3.41The early Victorian needle makers 19801980
4.6There’s more to a needle than meets the eye
4.29Notes on visit to Needle Industries include statistics 1/3/19901990
4.31Debunking the needle industry - industrial mythology -- Vincent Gaffrey
4.37Needle spitting -- description -- 19891989
4.50Letter from Clydebank Museum re Sewing Machines -- 18/3/19971997
4.53Modern methods of needle production
5.6The Needle through the Ages -- C Disney Milward
5.47Needles by the Million -- Bulletin of Electricity Council June 19671967
M25How many points has a needle? -- John Bell -- June 19701970
M56Four eras of needle making -- Albert Chambers , Chief Inspector -- thesis 19521952
M67The Needle through the Ages -- C Disney Milward – and Needle Points – booklet of facts about ‘quality’ needles
M102Needles -- H Guise -- Redditch Indicator 15/8/19361936
M192Notebook of ‘Old Bill Duffil’ -- Extracts from -- Particularly re scissor making -- 19051905
M366Notes on the History of Needle Making -- CF Milward

Category C: Company histories and amalgamations

RefItem DescriptionDate
1b.8A Short History of the Firm of Joseph Holyoake and Son -- 18921892
1b.15Account of James Smith and Sons -- J Wiggett -- 18931893
1b.19Notice of New Business -- Francis Morrall -- 18741874
1b.29Assignment Francis Clarke to John and Thos Clarke ? share in Needle and Fish Hook business lately Wm Francis Clarke of Headless Cross dcd and subsequent assignment to TM and RS Bartleet 18571857
2.6History of Henry Milward and Sons --- 250 years of needlemaking -- 2 copies 19301930
2.7Needle Industry amalgamations 1800s – 1977
2.13Lists of amalgamations
3.8An introduction to Newey -- company history and current state of industry 19881988
3.10An introduction to Newey -- company history and current state of industry 19881988
3.13Needle industry -- list of companies -- 19881988
3.39The History of Needle Making – Aero Needles Group -- 19801980
4.2Notes of meeting – BG Lewis with AB Morrall describing firm’s history etc --19661966
4.24Needle Families -- Milward family tree and list of amalgamations
4.38Directory entries for WJ Llewellyn Ltd and Edward White, Windsor Works – both manufacturers of needle making machinery
4.39Summary of Directory entries for William Avery and Arthur James
4.44Aero Needles -- brief history
4.45Abel Morrall 1785-1948 – 163 Years of Progress1948
4.48Note re Brabant Needle Co
4.51Report of purchase of Entaco by Coats Viyella -- Birmingham Post
4.55Terry Springs in 1970s1970
5.8Ref to British Needle company 31/12/19261926
5.29List of Fishing Tackle Makers
5.30Memories of the needle industry -- Paul Betterton 1954 on1954
5.53A Search for Identity – Some growth and development perspectives of Aero Needles Group Ltd – FR Kinchin
M18Joseph Warner and Sons -- Memo and Arts of Assn -- 19031903
M44Articles re Needle companies -- Redditch Indicator Centenary Edition 25/9/19591959
M71Amalgamated Needles – Papers of Historic Interest
M72Papers of value leading up to amalgamation -- includes duties of Individual Directors and co-ordination of sales incl North America. Also papers re investment in new works 1938 and memo adapting to wartime conditions Sept 19391929
M82Papers re amalgamation with Thomas Harper 1910 and 19121910
M82aPapers re amalgamation (or not) with Arthur James 19221922
M82bPapers re amalgamation with S Thomas 19271927
M82cPapers re amalgamation (or not) with Paice Ltd 19271927
M141AG Baylis and Sons – dissolved 27/12/1901 -- London Gazette1901
M220Contract for sale of Guillaume & Sons Ltd and Messrs Morris and Yeomans Ltd to AN & FH Ltd 31/3/19581958
M222Notes for Board of AN & FH Ltd re Merger with HM and Co Ltd - 19291929
M223Wm Hall & Co Ltd -- notes re Board Matters 1895 – 19551895
M224John James and Sons Ltd 1902 – 19551902
M225AN & FH Ltd misc notes 1931 - 19601931
M227bHistory and accounts of the amalgamation of Wm Hall and Co Ltd with HM and Sons Ltd
M227cNotes on Wm Hall and Co with reference to Morgan Interests
M228Notes from Minute Books HM and Sons Ltd 1903 – 19301903
M267Agreement – Sale of AD Bartleet and BW Bartleet to HM and Sons -- 5/9/1902 (and duplicate)1902
M268Agreement -- Sale of CE James to AN & FH Ltd
M269Agreement – Leonard West and HM and Sons re artificial flies -- 1/3/19131913
M270Agreement - Leonard West and HM and Sons -- sale of business 1/3/19131913
M271Agreement -- appointment of BD Bartleet as Asst Manager with HM and Sons - 25/8/19021902
M272Agreement -- appointment of BD Bartleet as Asst Manager with HM and Sons - 25/8/1902 (duplicate)1902
M273Agreement -- Partnership JF Milward and Victor Milward 30/8/18831883
M275Schedule of misc Documents to be returned to EN FH Ltd (correspondence re amalgamation)
M277Agreement between JF Milward, Victor Milward, CF Milward and HM and Sons Ltd -- 18/12/18891889
M279Agreement for purchase of business J Edgar Warner and Joseph Warner and Sons Ltd -- 8/4/19091909
M278Agreement Redditch Hosiery Needles Ltd and EN &FH Ltd – lease of land 30/7/1952 inc schedule of plant etc1952
M330HM and Sons 250th Anniversary Celebrations 1730 – 1980 Press releases and speeches1980
M352165 years of needle making -- Morralls
M383Amalgamated Needle and Fish Hooks Ltd -- annual Reports 1933 – 1949 (not complete)1933
M385N I Group Ltd -- Annual Reports 1971 and 19721971
M512Extracts from the minutes of J English and Son Ltd 1897 – 19181897

Category D: Company finances and reports

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.48Prospectus for shares in Self-Threading Needle Co LtdLate 19c
3.16Alcester needle makers shares transferUndated
M1Amalgamated Needles and Fish-Hooks deposit a/c passbook 1906-281906
M32The Self-Threading Needle Co -- Prospectus
M66John English and Co Share Certificates -- 1892-19021892
M70Amalgamated Needle and Fish-hook Co Ltd -- Report and Accounts -- 19381938
M71bAssessment for Schedule D and E tax -- 18751875
M71cLoan to Charles Terry 19201920
M74Loan EN&FT to British Hosiery Needles --19401940
M78AM&FT Ltd – Report of AGM 19351935
M79Redditch Hosiery Needles Ltd -- Income notes 19401940
M83HM and Sons -- a/cs 1870 – 1890 (Balance sheets and costs)1870
M109HM and Sons -- Prospectus for issue of ?45k Debentures @ 41/2 %
M137Negotiations re lease to build new works -- memo -- GB King 19/2/1946 and financial considerations1946
M182Ledger -- Debts owing and Balance Sheet 18291829
M193Bill of Exchange payable to J English and Co New York 1/5/18941894
M198Issue of Debentures 1909 Joseph Warner and Sons cancelled 19111911
M203John English and Co Ltd -- AGMs 1892 – 19381892
M204John English and Sons Ltd -- Directors’ Minutes 1892 – 19051892
M205John English and Sons Ltd -- Directors’ Minutes 1906 – 19111906
M206John English and Sons Ltd -- General Minutes 1897 – 19221897
M207John English and Sons Ltd Directors’ Minutes 1919 – 19211919
M216Amalgamated Needles and Fish Hooks Ltd -- 31st AGM 27/6/19351935
M283Shareholders in Redditch Hosiery Needles ltd 2/4/19311931
M314AGM correspondence

Category E: Company and inter company policies and agreements

RefItem DescriptionDate
M56/bMemo re Management Systems -- CF Milward 19101910
M71aNegotiations EN&FT with Wahl Eversharp
M75‘Conventions’ (agreement) between HM and Sons and MWA Bennett (in French) 18901890
M199Deed of covenant -- Needle section of the Export Group agrees not to sell needles with gilded eyes 19/5/19421942
M209Agreement Messrs Olney Amsden and Son Ltd and HM and Sons Ltd 25/6/1926 Re goodwill and premises of Crescent Manufacturing Co with schedule of prices1926
M215Articles of Partnership G Winterbottom and Co, Oxpring, Penistone, Yorks with HM and Sons Ltd - 1906 and to continue agreement 3/8/19271906
M265Agreement -- RS Bartleet and Joseph Smith -- Smith to work for Bartleet 1888 – 1893 – extnd to 19211888
M339Assignment -- Abel Morrall to J Morgan 17/3/18761876
M341Agreement on the retirement of Henry Milward from HM and Sons with JF Milward and V Milward 19/12/18711871
M342Lease of Machinery and Premises -- H Milward to JF and V Milward 1/1/18711871
M343Plant and Stock moved from Beoley Mill to Redditch New Washford Mill - misc notes & correspondence 18411841
M346aCorrespondence -- Goldberger re dispute over supply of pack needles etc 1919 -19201919
M346bDispute between Holyoake and Son and HM and Sons 1879-18801879
M365Notes on office practice and production of hypodermic needles in regard to wartime conditions 1935 - 19421935
M386Agreement with Wahl Eversharp Co Ltd to produce Eversharp Pencils 11/4/19331933
M387Agreement to sell rights to manufacture dry shavers to Wilkinson Sword Ltd incl tools, ‘know how’ and patents
M388Agreement with Bombay Outward Conference (Shipowners) re shipping to India 9/1/19591959
M389Agreement with United Breweries re tenancy of property at Ketti (India) 12/8/19491949

Category F: Company costs

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.1Estimate for building a needle mill with 4 pointing and six scouring benches – Labour and materials £231 – 16 - 01730s
2.38Valuation of trade utensils -- 21 June 19051905
2.43Notes on tools rented by Wm Bartleet and Sons
M14Works Prices (to various stages of manufacture) -- Henry Milward and Co -- 1849- 18501849
M40Redditch Stampers and Filers Union -- Prices for work
M41Prices for work on premises - HM and Sons --18711871
M42Prices for work on premises - HM and Sons (duplicate) -- 18711871
M43Prices for outwork - HM and Sons -- 18711871
M150List of prices for pointing etc 9/18461846

Category G: Company property

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.43Fire at Allcock’s - Redditch Indicator 18911891
1.47Rebuilding of Clarkes’ Factory - Redditch Indicator August 19551955
1b.3Washford Mills – History of
1b.17Lease of ‘The Forge’ Wm Lewis to JF and V Milward 18791879
1b.22British Needle Mills Samuel Thomas and Sons - Plans of - 18721872
1b.24Jn Woolaston for Wm Holmes and Wm Hemming - Agreement for Mutual Rights (re Beoley Mill) 18371837
2.22The Needle Mills -- A study of the watermills serving the Industry -- JG Rollins -- Soc for Protection of Ancient Buildings --19791979
4.91/1250 OS Plan of Mill and site -- Old Mills and New Mills
4.15Sale of Windsor Mills, Hewell Road to S Allcock and Sons for ?4400 with various plans of Redditch
4.25Letters re Beoley Paper Mills from John and Matthew Mils 1784-1787 transcribed
5.2Advert for sale of Forge Mill 23/10/19131913
5.4Plan of Astwood Bank showing needle factories
5.26James Thomas c1814 to 1901, Mill St Needle Works, Redditch Spring Co, Prospect Works, Clive Road1814
5.32Plan of needle works, Bromsgrove Road and Brook Street etc
M61Aerial photo of Central Works c19501950
M71dValuation of property at Studley Oct 1940 1940
M98Illustration of HM and Sons Works -- Redditch and Washford Mills
M108Print of dwg of New Washford Mills
M144Deed between Thomas Holmes of Washford Mill and Wm Butler of B’ham - 17601760
M145Indenture re sale of Washford mill 17601760
M147Assignment of debt Butler to Fullilove 25/9/17901790
M149Bond for payment of ?600 -- Holmes to S Fullilove -- 25/9/17901790
M151Transfer of Mortgage – Washford Mill -- Dawes and Fleming to Milward and Hodgetts 4/1/18791879
M152Washford Mill -- Abstract of title -- 17541754
M173Valuation of Washford Mill 1/1/18791879
M175Recoverance of Washford Mill -- Milward and Hodgetts to CF and V Milward 28/5/18971897
M177Conveyance Washford Mill -- JF and V Milward to Henry Milward and Sons 29/7/18971897
M179Adverts for ‘The Washford Mill Estate’ 29/7/18781878
M180Adverts for ‘Old Washford Mill’ etc 29/10 18781878
M181Washford Mill site plan 18711871
M196Plan of Washford Mills Recreation Ground sold to Catholic School
M214Covenant for the production of deeds -- Henry Davies and Revd Henry Charles Milward re Washford Mill
M218Photos of Stable demolished on Redditch Road -- 19501950
M219Agreement -- JH Williams and Wm Hall and Co 8/6/1923 as to ancient lights -- 8/6/19231923
M227eNotes on property acquisitions and sales
M278Lease of office adjoining Packwood Mills owned by Smith and Spencer Ltd to HM and sons -- 22/11/19091909
M337EN and FH Ltd -- List of properties sold 19351935
M340Agreement for tenancy -- The Orchard, Old Washford Mill -- 31/12/18711871

Category H: Needle manufacturing in UK ex Redditch district

RefItem DescriptionDate
1b.6Notes on a Decayed Needleland (Long Crendon) and History of the needle -- Wm Shrimpton -- 18971897
1b.20The Needle Regions - T Hemming -- 18771877
2.15Trade and Industry in 18th and 19th C -- Chichester District Museum
2.16The Civil War – Chichester District Museum -- includes effect on needle making
4.21Points of History -- pin factories in Stoney Stratford -- Alan Burman
4.40Victoria County History, Buckinghamshire pp127,128 –Needlemaking (Long Crendon etc)
5.52Refs to Whitechapel Needles 1802 & lists of merchandise shipped to Upper Missouri 1835 inc needles1802

Category I: Needle manufacturing ex UK

RefItem DescriptionDate
M139Proposal to set up manufacturing plant in Japan 11/8 19081908
4.30Article on scissor making in India -- Guardian 29/1/19931993
1.27The Illustrated Exhibitor and Magazine of Art-- Needlemaking in Aix-la-Chapelle 10pp. Also extract from Encyclopedia of Useful arts descn. of needle manufacture1852
2.10Drawing, grinding and polishing in the History of Technique -- Schumag, Aachen - Jos H Arens
4.1Needle Industry in India 19981998
5.5Notes on German and other foreign needle manufacturies
M13Educational visit to France -- June 1929 -- Works Committee – Amalgamated Needles1929
M20Needle making at Aix-la-Chapelle -- Illustrated Exhibitor Magazine of Art c18901890
M76Visit of G Bartleet and JT James to Aachen and report on trade -also Arts of association of German Needle Manfcts (translated)
M201Catalogue -- William Prym GMBH 19521952
M202Catalogue -- Imra Fabrikate (Altena) 19571957

Category J: Needle making inventions and developments

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.3Patent no 1097 to Wm Sherward of Redditch - Process for finishing the eyes of a needle -- 17751775
1.4Patent no 1683 to Wm Sherward of Redditch - Process for finishing the eyes of a needle -- 17891789
1.16Steam engines installed in Redditch factories - Redditch Ind 11-5-1867 amended 18751836-67
2.20Aero Information – Origin of the presentation BSA Transfer Press, June 1985 and History of Aero Needles1985
2.26The Technical Development of Needle Production – Ferdinand Bernard Schmetz and Ernst Gunther Hasse -- Transns Stahl u. Eisen No 14 – 2 July 19531953
2.34Gold Plating Bench -- handwritten notes -- prob 1930s1930
4.13Guise patent - letter 19191919
5.13Spiral eye needle - article in Daily Mail 26/3/20102010
5.32Notes on ‘Rounders’ and ‘Trapping Planes’ – used to make fishing rods
M227dNeedle Industries Group ltd -- Summary of major developments in the post war period -- 19451945
M344Correspondence re spring eyed needles (Wharrad patent) and packing 19231923
M503Monthly reports of Technical Projects N I Ltd 1949- 1951 copies1949
M506Monthly reports of Technical Projects N I Ltd 1949- 1950 copies1949
M511Monthly Reports of Technical Projects N I Ltd Feb 1949 - Nov 1951 originals1949

Category K: Illustrations of manufacturing

RefItem DescriptionDate
3.18Picture of a pointer at work1981
3.36Picture of Water WheelUndated
M91Illustration of Toolroom
M92Illustration of Hand Polishing Needles
M93Illustration of Scouring Mill -- Washford Mills
M95Illustration of Wapping from Redditch Road
M96Illustration of Employees – Wm Bartleet and Sons Ltd -- Abbey Mills – early 1920s
M99Illustration of Machine Pointing
M142Illustr of drying barrels
M143Illustr of Board of Directors Needle Industries
M185Illustr of pin manufacture
M504Copies of photographs -- Needle making processes -- Central Works, Arrow Works etc 1945 on1945

Category L: Specialist needles – surgical, felting etc.

RefItem DescriptionDate
3.1Catalogue and information from Foster Needles - felting needlesundated
3.3River deep and mountain high - felting needles Daily Telegraph 18/2/1989 1989
3.4Richard Allen Surgical Needles report on visit 10/2/19891989
3.5Needle design for tomorrows standards - (Felting needles) John H Foster --19861986
3.9Needle felting technology -- 19881988
3.24Forge Mill Fact Sheet Surgical Needle making in Redditch -- 19851985
3.43The History of Suture Needles -- draft1980c
4.28Letter and drawing requesting changes to needle design for threading tobacco leaves
M17bMilwards Needle and Art Needlework sundries --19341934
M46Surgical Needles -- Lecture -- JG Ross (Rickards, Astwood Bank) 19521952
M126Illustr – non traumatic needles
M130Surgical needles -- Shrimpton and Fletcher catalogue -- c19401940
M227aNotes on History of Redditch Hosiery Needles Ltd
M364Hypodermic Needles -- Lecture 1963 -- Surgical Needles -- lecture 1961 -- L Hayward 1963

Category M: Fish hooks and fishing tackle

RefItem DescriptionDate
M208Newspaper cuttings -- 1894 - c1900 - mainly re angling1894

Category N: Employment, wages, conditions and labour disputes

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.17Children’s Employment Commission – Report on the metal manufacturers of Sheffield district, particularly re conditions for children in the needle factories in Hathersage1840s?
1.20Strike in Needle Trade -- Worcester Journal and other relevant papers1846
1.21Notes on meetings held by Needlemakers of Redditch -- Sept to Nov 1846 in particular concerning prices and wages paid for pointing and the adoption of new pointing machines1846
1.22Dialogue between Needle Manufacturer and Workmen on the subject of truck payment in place of money wages 6pp -- 19481848
1.24Washford Mills - Working hours and holidays -- 18511851
1.38Brittania Needle Works Redditch -- Rules of a Sick Club -- 18691869
1.41Meeting of the Needle Filers and Stampers Union -- Rule Book -- 18711871
1b.5Stamping Riots – account of --18981898
1b.23Henry Milward -- A letter to his work people 18741874
1b.25Expenses for attending in Droitwich re some rioters from Redditch accused of machine breaking -- 18311831
2.17Children’s Employment Commission – Report on the metal manufacturers of Sheffield district particularly re conditions for children in the needle factories in Hathersage Duplicate of 1.171981
2.18The Redditch Needle Grinder -- Tom Paddock – The Black Country Bugle - 14 Sept 19711971
2.35Notice of wage reduction -- 15 March 19231923
2.42Children’s Employment Commission – Report on the metal manufacturers of Sheffield district particularly re conditions for children in the needle factories in Hathersage - duplicate of 1.17
2.44Several agreements between Wm Bartleet and Sons and individuals ‘not to work for others while employed by Bartleets’ -- 1890s
4.3The Needle Makers Lamentation
4.18Women in the Needle Industry -- Forge Needle Museum - 2 copies
4.36Work Rules at Washford Mills 18511851
4.42Wage rates for women and girls in needle mills - Redditch Indicator 20/3/19191919
4.52Article describing life of Bessie James, a needlemaking girl in early 1800s1800
5.7Report on Worcestershire Assizes 18/7/18251825
5.36Story of Bessie Jones, a needle factory girl -- see 4/52
5.54Summary of events in connection with industrial unrest at Washford Mills 17/2/19391939
5.60Working Rules, Central Works, Studley August 19191919
5.63Terms of employment for several individuals -- F Spencer and Sons -- 19681968
M35Letter to HM and Sons re - forming ‘Needle Union’ December 18901890
M45Interview with Mrs Winifred Brown (77) member of HM and Sons Works Committee -- Redditch Indicator 19781978
M51Washford Mills Sick Society -- Investment in War loan Feb 19171917
M73Gift to Employees – Jubilee 19351935
M86Prices for Work 1871 1871
M87Wage rates for Women and Girls -- HM and Sons 19231923
M140Joint Consultation --memo 15/11/19511951
M195List of Junior Staff and Pay Rates HM and Sons 19311931
M231Dividends, Wages and Foremans’ bonuses -- HM and Sons Ltd -- 1903 – 19301903
M321Federation of Needle, Fishhook and Fishing Tackle Makers Minutes inc wage rates
M510Needle, Fish hook and Fishing Tackle Manufacturing Industries -- Wages and Working Conditions 19521952

Category O: Court cases and inter-company disputes

RefItem DescriptionDate
1b.26Court decision – renting of pointing places in another’s mill does not gain settlement -- 18001800
1.15Richard Hemming and Son Forge Mill -- 2 notices warning buyers to look out for needles falsely labelled with Hemming name1833-37
1b.13High Court Decision -- re Holyoake -- only needles with T and J are genuine
2.39Morrall v Hessin -- Report of -- 19021902
5.23Milward v Stanley -- see M403
M37JF Milward -- Letter to his workpeople -- 1874 -- see 1b.231874
M138Lemuel B Rogers, Chicago and Chas Spencer, Redditch – correspondence re supply of needles etc1920
M189Notice re ‘passing off’ -- J and M Mills and Co
M234Dispute with Ernest Kratz re packaging 19031903
M235Milward v Stanley 1879 and other court cases also prize list for Milward’s Needlework Competition 1908 -1909 -- see 5.23 &M2351879
M305Peak v Hall -- Redditch Indicator 9/7/18811881
M403Milward v Stanley judgement – 1879 see 5.23 & M2351879

Category P: Sales, Marketing, Adverts and Exhibitions

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.5Agreement between John English and Thomas Perkins for latter to act as traveller - Photocopy see M1181790
1.26John James -- Flyer for Great Exhibn.1851
1.39H Milward and Sons -- advert with description of needle and fish hook manufacturing1870c
3.17C1900 Milwards Needle Company - jingle1981
3.28Needles -- selling and distribution in the 18th and 19th centuries BT Lee1984
4.23Label for parcel
4.33The Notions and Fancy Goods Record -- and cutting from article in 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition -- 18761876
4.46Offprint of Sales Book – 1929-301929
5.14Advert for Anglepoise Lamp -- Daily Telegraph 4/9/19381938
5.22Henry Milward and Sons, flyer -- 18531853
5.43Allcock, Laight and Westwood -- Toronto, the Queen city of Canada -- 18931893
3.11Newey pins and needles - leaflet -- 19881988
M19Calyx- eyed needles -- Testimonials -- HM and Sons -- 18871887
M28John James and sons -- Victoria Works -- Illlustrated trade card
M36Flier noting HM and Sons Silver Medal at Paris Exhibition 18551855
M38John James -- Flier for locomotive needles
M50List of medals on display at Forge Museum
M57Christmas Card Harrison and Bartleet and Co 19051905
M58Card ex Helen Terry using HM and Sons needles
M59Card – J Perkins needles -- c19161916
M60Card – advert for Milwards
M63Baxter prints as used for needle packets -- Article ‘his portrait of Rev John Williams became a best seller after the subject – an immensely brave and popular man – was unfortunately eaten (by mistake) by savages in the South Seas’ -- 19301930
M105Advert for Aiguilles Milward
M116Official catalogue entry of International Exhibition 1862 -- Thomas Samuel and Sons – British Needle Mills1862
M117Agreement between John English of Feckenham and Thomas Perkins – manuscript 17901790
M118Agreement between John English of Feckenham and Thomas Perkins – transcribed 17901790
M120‘Chair‘ as needle case
M174Illustr and descriptions of needle cases -- early 20c1910
M212Notebook -- 1882 - c 1922 re agents and travellers1882
M233HM and Sons Ltd -- Analysis of Sales 1917 – 19181917
M236Milward adverts etc 18871887
M312Merchandising marks act 19261926
M390Needle industries -- Sales Figures (incomplete) 1932 - 601932
M400‘Making a point of quality’ NI Group booklet -- 19651948
M401Diary of visit of Mr Day to USA and Canada -- 19311931
M407Correspondence re patent registration and registered designs -- 19011901
M505Correspondence with agents in Germany re registration of trademarks 1900s1900

Category Q: Price lists and Catalogues

RefItem DescriptionDate
M7Henry Milward and Son Price List -- c18931893
M16Selling Price list in Victor Milward’s writing incl list of customers -- 1883-18851883
M17Milwards catalogue (incl J James items) 19361936
M17aMilwards range of products -- 19741974
M17cJohn James and Sons Price List 19391939
M17dMilwards Catalogue -- no date
M39HM and Sons -- Price list 18871887
M81Dan Ching Industrial Catalogue 19451945
M84Price Lists - A Chambers -- Sail and Packing Needles 18221822
M85Meetings of Manufacturers, with Prices and Costs Jan 18721872
M124Milwards catalogue 31pp -- 19201920
M127Illustr – Hand sewing needles
M128Illustr -- Seers packages
M183Price List -- Fish hooks -- HM and Sons -- George A Clark and Bros 1/1/18621862
M373HM and Sons -- Price List for Indian Market c 1900?1900
M382Dan Chung Ind Co Ltd -- History and price lists 19481948
M398John James and Sons – catalogue -- Hardware Needles 19301930
M399John James and Sons catalogue -- 1948 -19 491948
M404HM and Sons -- Price List -- cover only

Category R: Packaging

RefItem DescriptionDate
2.40Paper Wrapping for Hand Sewing Needles 1900-1949 -- Betty Brown1900
5.46John English co -- repros of labels – undated
M133Illustr of Needles and packets
M134Illustr of Needles and packets
M229Dictionary of terms to describe needle put-up, packing etc EN and FH Ltd
M242Needle packet labels offprints and registers 19341934
M287Offprints of needle packets -- Redditch Companies and USA
M500Offprints of needle packets ex Needle Industries archive part 1
M501Offprints of needle packets ex Needle Industries archive part 2

Category S: Forge Mill (pre museum)

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.46Forge Mill - JG Rollins - The Engineer 12 Nov 19651965
1b.4Forge Mill - notes re
2.1Story of brickwork outside the east side of Forge Mill-- drawing of similar mill in Bradford
2.23Forge Mill Redditch -- JG Rollins 6pp 19661966
2.29Sale of land including Forge Mill - 19461946
2.36Sale of land near Redditch -- 21 Feb 1922 -- (Forge Mill)1922
2.37Sale of land near Redditch -- 23 Oct 1922 -- (Forge Mill)1913
3.34From Abbey Metal Works to Museum of Needle Making -- JG Rollins -- Industrial Archaeology vol15 No3 p 281 19801980
3.38Industrial Archaeology Vol 15 No3 p 281 (see item 34 above) 19801980
5.21Conveyance of Forge Mill to Redditch UDC 19591959
M153Memos re needle making and proposals for museum

Category T: Forge Needle Museum

RefItem DescriptionDate
2.21Forge Mill Needle Museum -- JG Rollins
3.33Booklet -- Needle Making and Forge Mill -- John LutyUndated
3.35Magazine article re Forge Mill 19801980
3.40A Case for the Restoration of Forge Mill -- 19801980
4.16Letter from WKV Gale 18/3/1981 stating that brickwork remains are ‘not a bloomery’1981
4.27A case for the restoration of the Forge Mill -- John Luty
4.43Description of Forge Mill Museum -- Stourbridge and North Worcs Select July 19881988
5.1Miscellaneous notes marked Forge Mill Needle Museum
5.42Cuttings re Forge Mill Needle Museum 1987 etc1987
M186Abbey excavation -- Redditch Indicator 14/7/19751975
M417Receipt to Mrs Ann Gardiner 1988 for display boards and sample books given to Forge Mill1988
M418List of items on loan to Forge Mill Needle Museum -- 19831983

Category U: Records of individuals, families including obituaries

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.44Samuel Allcock’s memoirs - Sporting Goods Review -- 18971897
1b.1John English of Feckenham -- BCG Nokes -- Coventry Coll of Education
1b.1aWebb Gould family History
1b.2Holyoake family papers incl obituaries and references to court cases
1b.10Wm Avery ‘In Memoriam’ 18991899
1b.11Misc papers re Redditch and Mills family
1b.25Henri Charles Guillaume - account of life and particularly of development of needle making machinery 20042004
2.24John English of Feckenham -- BCG Nokes -- Business History Vol XI 1969 -- Duplicate of 1b.11969
2.25Webb/Gould family history -- Eliz Atkins -- Duplicate of 1b.1a -- 20162016
3.14Ed Buller probate 1684 -- Feckenham WEA Local history group report -- 19881988
3.21Picture of Abel Morrall 19851985
3.45Memo to uncle (Wm Hall) for needles 30/6/18731873
4.8A Hardener’s Life and Business -- Ivor Mutton -- Astwood Bank – manuscript and typescript 19301930
4.12Cottrell family -- notes from census etc
5.20Notes on needle families including Milward and Morrall
5.24Obituary Morton Stanley 1896-19281928
5.31Obit - Death of Walter Humphries. March 19301930
5.35Obituary Robert Bartleet 20/12/19021902
5.37Story of Ernestine Mabel Clarke 1872-1940 -- A very distressed lady1872
5.49The Hemming Family
5.50The Hemming Archive -- Extracts from -- (2 sets)
M24The Mills family -- The Redditch Ind March 1891 and Warehouse and Drapers Journal June 1891 re JF Milward
M237Robert S Bartleet Obituary and account of funeral 18871887
M239Newspaper cuttings from 1940s inc CF Milward obituary May 3 19471940
M243Press cuttings misc - some re John Mills of Washford c 17841784

Category V: Redditch history and development

RefItem DescriptionDate
3.12Letter and map of Redditch landmarks 19881988
1.42Redditch in 1776 -- Joseph Monk -- Redditch Indicator -- 18861886
1.51Urban Sanitary District of Redditch 2nd annual report1875
1.52Redditch Indicator 20 October 1860 -- misc extracts1860
1b.9Old Redditch – W Avery -- Lecture 21/12/19861886
1b.12The Old round House and copy of Joseph Monk Memories of Redditch -- 18901890
3.19History of Redditch through the museum – Vincent Gaffney -- 19881988
4.11Memories of Back Hill -- Peter Hartford 10/1/19931993
4.17Redditch Coat of Arms
4.22Redditch shops in the 1920s1920
4.41Report on pollution of Abbey Meadow Brook 18/1/19021902
5.12Tales of the Redditch District -- Redditch Indicator 18791879
5.15History of St Stephens Church Redditch
5.38Plan of proposed ‘Plymouth Playing Fields’ and street map of Redditch -- 18911891
5.40A Village with a View – Astwood Bank -- Astwood Bank News April 20002000
5.41Beer and Cider off licences – Redditch 18751875
5.44History of Bordesley Hall -- Daphne Drake 19561956
5.56Schedules of property in and around Bordesley Abbey
5.57Schedules of property in and around Bordesley Abbey
5.58Letter from Ian Hayes 2/9/1998 re land at Bordesley Abbey1998
5.59Misc information re Hunt End and Crabbs Cross
5.64Proposals for Redditch 19631963
M55Illustrations of Redditch District Buildings incl Washford Mills c19001900
M190The Position of Sanitary Inspectors -- The Lancet 19/9/18961896
M338Scrap Book 1897 – 19021897
M361History of Redditch -- Redditch Indicator Centenary edition September 19591959
M502Redditch district beer and spirit licences 1875 also booklet ‘150 years of Midland Bank in Redditch’

Category W: Redditch property

RefItem DescriptionDate
1b.18List of Licensed Premises in Redditch and District 18751875
2.28Redditch Road Studley -- History of property -- 19461946
5.11Plan of property in Bromsgrove Road, Redditch, sold 18461846
5.27History of numbers 62, 64 and 66 Enfield Road, formerly Hunt End Road
M29Chapel Green, Redditch -- Illustr

Category X: Censuses

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.12Burial records -- Redditch 30 Aug 1816 -- Edward Matthews – pointing stone1816
1.18Extracts from census for Redditch -- 18411841
1.25Census -- Headless Cross – 18511851
1.31Report of Med Officer of the Privy Council details high death rate Alcester and Tardebigge -- 18611861
1b.28Hosiery needle makers -- 1881 Census -- Loughborough1881
4.32Perkins family references in censuses etc
5.25J Davies and Co - entries in Directories etc 1823-19401823
5.331891 census -- totals of various needle workers1891

Category Y: Miscellaneous re needle industry

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.6Ref to Rd Hemming - Letter and statement of a/c with William Dowbigg -- 17991799
1.9Milward receipt - £1 - 2 – 0 for pins1810
1.11Bartleet – Hemming trade token -- Illus of1813
3.20History of WEMACRU + list of participants – David SymmsUndated
3.31Space age needles1983
3.37The Old Lady – booklet -- Art re Threadneedle Street – Bank of England Magazine Xmas 19801980
3.42Painting of Forge Mill -- as greeting cardUndated
3.44Photo of SignUndated
4.7Extract from The Ladies’ Complete Guide to Needlework and Embroidery
4.26Letter from Barry Meade re corrections to article in The Lady by Lindsay Price 17/3/19941994
4.35Notes for Wyn Davies by B Meade re needlemaking 3/5/19891989
4.47Advert for British Steel and Iron Federation 19541954
5.34Proclamation re import of needles – Charles II
5.48Tools of the Trade -- Classic Stitches
M319Envelope marked Copper Plates and Zincos catalogue 1930s and 1940s -- empty
M346Envelope containing 346a and 346b
M33Advert for Wrightson’s New Travelling Directory 18181818
M53Card re Coronation 19531953
M62Visit of British Association to Washford Mills Sept 19131913
M188The Wild Barfield Journal Dec 1969 (furnaces)1969
M238Press cuttings 1950s and 1960s1950
M317Needlemakers Association Minutes 1968 – 19711968
M322Association of Fish Hook Makers Minute Book 1946 – 19551946
M323Export Group -- Minutes 1946 – 19551946
M325The Needlemakers Association -- Formation 1947 Minutes 1946 – 19541946
M326The Needlemakers Association -- List of members 19151915
M326Redditch and district Needle & Fish hook Employers Assn -- Minutes 1915- 19191915
M327Redditch and district Needle & Fish hook Employers Assn -- Minutes 1920 - 19401920
M335Worshipful Company of Needlemakers -- scheme for prizes 18761876
M360Press cuttings 1940s to 1963 – Milwards, Needle Industries, Studley, Arrow Works1940
M372Needle and Fish hook Manufacturers -- Minutes 1956 – 19591956
M391Correspondence re fire at Central Works December 19771977
M392Letter re visit of Queen Mother June 19811981
M394Fire at Aero Needles Redditch Indicator 19791979
M406Minutes of meetings of Needle Makers Assn 1964 re standardisation with German needle sizes1964
M507Association of Fish hook Makers -- Rules -- 19461946
M508Needle Maker Association -- Rules -- 19461946
M509Federation of Needle, Fish Hook and Fishing Tackle Makers -- Rules -- 19511951

Category Z: Miscellaneous not needle industry

RefItem DescriptionDate
1.2Rent Roll of the estates of Rt Hons Worcester and Warwick for one year1770
3.2Letter regarding Sheldons 28/4/19891989
3.15Glass phials pictureUndated
3.29Newspaper cutting re Queen’s visit to RedditchUndated
3.30Presentation to the Queen -- 19831983
3.47Poems by Lonie Kimmer Lowe 15/8/1877 (Copy) 1877
3.48Poems by Lonie Kimmer Lowe 15/8/1877 (Original) 1877
4.4Ballads of Old Birmingham and neighbourhood
4.10Collections for the history of Worcester 19841984
4.14Sir Ralph of Beoley -- Legend of Bosworth Field
4.19Charles Henry Foyle Trust 19901990
4.20Bordesley Abbey Dig 19941994
4.34Info on local history sources in Redditch Library
4.49Carnival Programme
4.54Milward Tapestry article -- 3/7/19801980
5.3Photo of Redditch Station decorated for visit of the Shh of Persia 12/7/18881888
5.9Notes on Redditch Council matters 1960s1860
5.10Letter from Derek Baylis 11/4/1987 re Keith Johnson’s Political Atlas1987
5.16Song re loss of Titanic
5.28The Leisure Hour 1896-7, Midland Sketches - Redditch1896
5.39Mavis Bennett -- singer
5.55Agreement re Cottage Garden and premises in Banks Green, Upper Bentley 5/1/19391939
5.61Redditch Carnival Souvenir Programme, 19541954
5.62Paper hats for tradesmen
M69Redditch Railway and Stourbridge & Kidderminster Banking Co -- Provisional agreement -- 18581858
M112The Sphere 29/6/1963 -- L Hargreaves Beare as President of B’ham chamber of Commerce1963
M113Picture of Eden?
M131Photo marked City of London
M136Redditch –‘Welcome Home’ 27/9/19191919
M200Agreement -- Prov Committee of the Redditch Rlwy and the Stourbridge and Kidderminster Banking Co 6/1/18581858
M318Milward tapestry Correspondence
M331Methodist Schools -- Redditch Indicator 24/12/18691869
M370Papers concerning Royal visit, specialist needles -- mostly ex Redditch Indicator 1960s1960

Abbreviations Used

  • HM and Sons = Henry Milward and Sons Ltd

If you wish to access the archives or obtain copies of documents, then please email the museum, addressing your enquiry to Jo-Ann Gloger, Keeper of Collections. Please note that there may be a small charge for photocopying.

National Lottery Heritage Fund
Guided Tours of Forge Mill